Sell our products

Fantabulous Fudge Company sells their fudge wholesale to a select number of stores in Michigan and we are interested in growing this part of the business.

If your store is interested in displaying and selling Fantabulous Fudge, Please call us today at 616.334.3030

Key Benefits

  • Impulse ADD-ON Sale!!!
  • Nice Margin Item!
  • Your customers will come back for more…..


The Fantabulous Fudge Company has been serving retailers in West Michigan since 2002, and we’ve built strong relationships with our partner stores to ensure success. Our very first retailer is still with us today, and we’re very proud to bring them fresh fudge and restock their shelves as often as we can. Please let us know if you would like to learn more about Fantabulous Fudge Company products in your stores…..

Made Fresh to Order

Our fudge is not sitting around in a warehouse waiting to be shipped. Silly…. We make our confections fresh for you each week, and when setting up your account, we will schedule the frequency of restocking your store needs.

Custom Flavors

We are not tied into only three flavors, and can make something custom to the season, or a themed event at your establishment. We also make fudge flavors with dried fruits and more – The Possibilities are endless…..

Full-Service delivery or Shipped to your location

We can service your stores in West Michigan and would like to offer you that service or checking product, cleaning and updating the merchandise, and servicing your store. However, if your location is outside of the Greater West Michigan area – then we will need to ship product to you.